Corruption at PEMEX...political hacks get diplomatic appointments...cartel leader busted...for 5th time Mexicans protest AMLO in 13 different cities...Mexico becomes third largest covid-19 blackhole of deaths behind USA and brazil...move to b an Airbnb...Mexican Supreme Court pops abortion balloon...Mexico enters 21st century with food labels like USA...PEMEX loses more billions...exports skyrocket in June...economy bottoms out in second quarter...AMLO announces pension reform...Mexico duplicates american social security system.
Beer is back, Mexican domestic car sales plunge due to lockdown, April remittances down from Record March, April remittances down over 2019 but purchasing...
Mexican Riviera opens up for business...Maya Train switches from 100% diesel to 50% electric...Yaqui Indians of Sonora tangle with government...Former Pemex head under arrest...
President Lopez Obrador...Manuel Bartlett...Enrique Camarena...Pemex...1st Quarter GDP contraction...Eight billion-dollar Maya Train...Mexico designs and manufactures ventilators for coronavirus victims for thousands of dollars less...Cancun back...