Latest Episodes

113. The Contreras Report: Business Mexico
Mexican Pandemic dead...60,000...Lopez Obrador says he the second most popular leader in the world...Donald Trump...AMLO mimics Trump on press...Yaqui Indias rebel min Sonora...Farmers rebel...

112. The Contreras Report: Business Mexico
Mexican Riviera opens up for business...Maya Train switches from 100% diesel to 50% electric...Yaqui Indians of Sonora tangle with government...Former Pemex head under arrest...

111. The Contreras Report: Business Mexico
Corruption at PEMEX...political hacks get diplomatic appointments...cartel leader busted...for 5th time Mexicans protest AMLO in 13 different cities...Mexico becomes third largest covid-19 blackhole of...

110. The Contreras Report: Business Mexico
Welcome to The Contreras Report: Business Mexico. In this episode, Lopez Obrador visits Trump in WH...UNAM studies on "Extreme Poverty"...Coronavirus causes 1,000,000 formal JOB...

109. The Contreras Report: Business Mexico
Mexico elected to U.S. Security Council...USMCA Trade agreement starts...Lopez Obrador visits U.S...Lopez Obrador disapproval rates spike upward...President AMLO takes baby steps towards controlling elections...MX...

108. The Contreras Report: Business Mexico
DACA, Dreamers, U.S. Supreme Court, Maya Train, Pemex, Lopez Obrador, Tourism, Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas, Chicago, Interjet, Mexican poor, Covid-19, energy, tear gas,...