Welcome to The Contreras Report: Business Mexico.
In this episode, Lopez Obrador visits Trump in WH...UNAM studies on "Extreme Poverty"...Coronavirus causes 1,000,000 formal JOB LOSSES...36,327 pandemic deaths...Mexican Supreme Court flexes muscles...AMLO tries to force government electrical generation monopoly...Canadian investments in Mexico...U.S. Ambassador to Mexico warns investors...Baja California Governor Jaime Bonilla takes on the federales & loses...Mexican state and local police get detectives...Trump says relations with Mexico never been better.
The host is Raoul Lowery-Contreras
President Lopez Obrador...Manuel Bartlett...Enrique Camarena...Pemex...1st Quarter GDP contraction...Eight billion-dollar Maya Train...Mexico designs and manufactures ventilators for coronavirus victims for thousands of dollars less...Cancun back...
Mexican Pandemic dead...60,000...Lopez Obrador says he the second most popular leader in the world...Donald Trump...AMLO mimics Trump on press...Yaqui Indias rebel min Sonora...Farmers rebel...
SEGMENT 1 MEXICO SHUTS DOWN FOR CORONAVIRUS- In all, 18% of firms in Mexico are considered essential and are allowed to stay open. Alcalde...