102. The Contreras Report: Business Mexico

Episode 2 May 08, 2020 00:29:02
102. The Contreras Report: Business Mexico
The Contreras Report: Business México
102. The Contreras Report: Business Mexico

May 08 2020 | 00:29:02


Show Notes

500 Year old street open market closed for first time, where? Beer shortage in Mexico. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) declines 1% in 2019, currently dropping 3,6%. March remittances from U.S. to Mexicans hit record of $4 billion. 100 border essential factories open to supply USA defense industry. National murder rate drops. Pemex loses $526 billion pesos in 1st Quarter. Maya Train contracts to let, billions of pesos. MX President joins President Trump in "stolen valor" taking credit for help to people -- only ita illegal in Mexico.

The host is Raoul Lowery-Contreras.

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