Beer is back, Mexican domestic car sales plunge due to lockdown, April remittances down from Record March, April remittances down over 2019 but purchasing power is up 7.7% due to weakening peso, President Lopez Obrador opens construction of 1500 kilometer MAYA TRAIN, "Follow the Money," by Mexican and American DEA agents freeze 1.1 billion dollars of cartel money...Thousands of protesters hit the streets in over 40 cities of 20 state capitals in Mexico, protesting President Lopez Obrador...Coronavirus victims, 25,000 in Mexico City, 14,000 in Mexico State, 5000 in Baja California.
The host is Raoul Lowery-Contreras.
Mexico elected to U.S. Security Council...USMCA Trade agreement starts...Lopez Obrador visits U.S...Lopez Obrador disapproval rates spike upward...President AMLO takes baby steps towards controlling elections...MX...
President Lopez Obrador sneaking electrical generation into a government monopoly 45,000 Mexico City restaurants start to open Border non-essential travel restriction extended until June...
President Lopez Obrador...Manuel Bartlett...Enrique Camarena...Pemex...1st Quarter GDP contraction...Eight billion-dollar Maya Train...Mexico designs and manufactures ventilators for coronavirus victims for thousands of dollars less...Cancun back...